From the Dance Floor to the Therapy Couch: A Brief History of MDMA

MDMA was first synthesized by Anton Köllisch at the pharmaceutical company Merck in Germany. The young German chemist developed 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in his quest for an alternative chemical method to synthesize hydrastinine. The molecule was patented on December 24, 1912, but was never tested on humans. With the outbreak of World War I, Köllisch was recruited…

“The iboga cults consider themselves the true Christians”

iboga Giorgio Samorini bwiti Gabon Fuertedélica

Giorgio Samorini is one of the great scholars, perhaps the last, in the ethnobotanical study of the use of intoxicating plants in living and extinct cultures. Samorini, originally from Bologna (Italy) but residing for years in Mallorca, will attend Fuertedélica 2024 to talk about “The Cults of Iboga,” a fascinating topic on the use of…

“New psychoactive substances are poor substitutes for classics like MDMA”

Fernando Caudevilla Doctor X Fuertedélica

Fernando Caudevilla, also known as Doctor X, will be speaking at Fuertedélica, the Psychedelic Conference of Fuerteventura, about one of his favorite molecules, MDMA, a substance that is making its way back into psychologists’ offices after reigning on the dance floors for four decades. We talked with Doctor X about MDMA culture, new chemical drugs,…