“Drugs Saved Me From Sport”

In a world where drugs are viewed through the prism of prohibition, Eduardo Hidalgo emerges as a discordant voice that invites us to rethink our relationship with psychoactive substances. Known for his work as coordinator for more than a decade in the Madrid delegation of Energy Control and for his controversial work Sustainable Hedonism, Eduardo has dismantled countless myths about substances, challenging the narratives that demonize drugs, and highlighting their capacity for transformation.

On November 23, starting at 4:30 pm, Fuertedélica welcomes Eduardo in an essential lecture on the management of pleasures and risks in the consumption of ketamine, a substance that has gained prominence in the therapeutic field. The author will share a round table with Dr. Estefanía Moreno, who comprehensively accompanies ketamine-assisted psychotherapy processes at the Synaptica Clinic, and Celia Morgan, Professor of Psychopharmacology at the University of Exeter.


Extreme sports versus “ecstasy”

In his controversial book, Eduardo made a provocative comparison between the use of MDMA (better known as “ecstasy”) and extreme sports, challenging the prejudices of a society that glorifies physical risk while demonizing psychoactive enjoyment. This year, Hidalgo takes the debate a step further in Fuertedélica, focusing on ketamine. Why is a drug initially stigmatized as a veterinary anesthetic now celebrated for its potential in treating resistant depression?


Sustainable Hedonism Eduardo Hidalgo Hedonismo sostenible
Cover of the book Sustainable Hedonism, by Eduardo Hidalgo.

The answer lies in the complexity of the human brain and the polyhedral nature of hedonism. As the author stated on the back cover of his book Ketamine, part of the Psiconáutica Collection, “ketamine is an anesthetic used in hospitals and veterinary clinics all over the world, and at the same time it is one of the most psychedelic drugs known today. Its effects at subanesthetic doses cover a considerable part of the wide spectrum of possible and different altered states of consciousness. It ranges from mild intoxication to the most shocking experiences of oneiric and truly hallucinatory texture, and can even trigger near-death experiences and body splitting phenomena.”


Ketamine on the couch

Hidalgo’s presentation at Fuertedélica will address how ketamine has been rescued from stigma to become a therapeutic option for mental disorders. With a focus on harm reduction and sustainable pleasure, Eduardo demystifies responsible recreational use, encouraging a conscious use that respects both the limits of the body and the depths of the mind.

Ketamine, a substance that many still associate with recreational environments, is being revalued in modern psychiatry, but Eduardo does not shy away from its risks. During his talk, he will delve into the keys to proper management of pleasure and risk, in line with his philosophy of sustainable hedonism. For him, the key lies in balance, in knowing our own limits and embracing the psychedelic experience as a mirror of our deepest emotions.


Drugs and sport: the pleasures of risk

In Eduardo’s own words, “drugs saved me from sport,” a confession that resonates with irony. The tragedy of a paraglider who died months after having been his instructor exemplifies the double edge of risk, whether physical or mental. Hidalgo, far from moralizing, invites reflection on the real cost of human experiences and how we face our own limits.

In Fuertedélica, on November 23, Eduardo Hidalgo will challenge the audience to reconsider the role of ketamine in mental health and its transformative potential, both from a therapeutic and recreational perspective. Is ketamine a tool to face hopelessness or simply an escape route to pleasure? How do we balance its risks to maximize the benefits?

The psychedelic revolution does not stop, and Fuertedélica counts on Eduardo Hidalgo as one of its main helmsmen. Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to one of the most provocative thinkers of the current scene.

Eduardo Hidalgo will participate on Saturday November 23rd in Fuertedélica. Get your discounted ticket today on our website.