“Ibogaine allows you to break free from the chemical iron chain of methadone”

Anthropologist Antoniu Llort will share at Fuertedélica the results of the clinical trial with ibogaine for methadone detoxification, whose Phase II has just concluded at Sant Joan Hospital in Reus. In Llort’s words, it is “an exciting study that could mark a before and after in the treatment of methadone dependence.” Don’t miss Antoniu’s presentation…

The United States Rejects the Approval of Therapeutic MDMA Use


In a controversial decision, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided not to approve the therapeutic use of MDMA for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychiatric disorders. This decision represents a significant setback in the field of mental health, limiting the therapeutic options available to millions of people suffering…

“New psychoactive substances are poor substitutes for classics like MDMA”

Fernando Caudevilla Doctor X Fuertedélica

Fernando Caudevilla, also known as Doctor X, will be speaking at Fuertedélica, the Psychedelic Conference of Fuerteventura, about one of his favorite molecules, MDMA, a substance that is making its way back into psychologists’ offices after reigning on the dance floors for four decades. We talked with Doctor X about MDMA culture, new chemical drugs,…