Tantra and MDMA as vehicles to shake off centuries of Western puritanism

Raúl del Pino, author of the book ‘MDMA, Sex and Tantra’, will participate in Fuertedélica as a member of the round table ‘MDMA, from party to couch’, along with Fernando Caudevilla and José Carlos Bouso. Below, and to warm up, an extract from the first chapter of the mentioned book: “Under the effects of ecstasy,…
From the Dance Floor to the Therapy Couch: A Brief History of MDMA

MDMA was first synthesized by Anton Köllisch at the pharmaceutical company Merck in Germany. The young German chemist developed 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in his quest for an alternative chemical method to synthesize hydrastinine. The molecule was patented on December 24, 1912, but was never tested on humans. With the outbreak of World War I, Köllisch was recruited…